


The Hot Rock

Kill the Rock Stars

After being labeled as the new indie rock saviors, Olympia's Sleater-Kinney has done something truly amazing with The Hot Rock: they actually made a great record. While the pure reckless power of its predecessor, Dig Me Out, has been turned down a notch. In its place is a new sense of musical restraint and variety. Though they've gained press for one of the leaders of the girl rock movement, don't count on Sleater-Kinney showing up at Lilth Fair anytime soon. The album opens with "Start Together," showcasing Corin Tucker's hair-raising wail over Sleater-Kinney's familiar variety of punk that somehow manages to tease out pop hooks in the most unexpected places. The first single, "Get Up," shows how powerful and--gasp--poppy Corin and company can be when they're not trying to damage your hearing. While the new directions of The Hot Rock might leave a few fans muttering "sell-out", nothing could be further from the truth. The album's variety only allows the band to show off more of its brilliance. Even if The Hot Rock doesn't help boost Sleater-Kinney from indie superstars to Wal-Mart music rack staples, it will certainly cement their place as critical darlings of the 90s. R. Adam Lauridsen


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