
adams Plans to Refund Masquerade Ticket Holders Shut Out on Saturday

Refunds will be issued to all of the people that pre-purchased tickets to the Adams Masquerade Ball and were not admitted, which closed its doors to guests outside at 11 p.m. Saturday due to overcrowding.

HUPD determined that the ball was full at 11. However, students who were inside the Adams dining hall said it was a little more than half-full.

According to Jennifer J. Hoffpauir '00, co-president of the Adams House Committee, "the police department thought the crowds weren't manageable, and felt the need to close the ball to new people."


HUPD also dispersed the crowd outside.

According to Melissa M. Lasceleia '03, "someone yelled through the door that HUPD was shutting down the ball, and everyone outside had to leave."

The dance, which continued until 1 a.m., is notorious for drawing large crowds.

Because of crowding at the Masquerade in the past, Adams House decided to sell tickets, which were sold at the Harvard Box Office for $3.

The event drew hundreds of people to the Adams dining hall, and students with and without tickets alike were kept outside of Adams' doors on Plympton Street.

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