
Student Tackles Robbery Suspect

A Harvard undergraduate and his friend chased a would-be pickpocket through Harvard Yard early yesterday, tackling him before police arrived.

The man, who witnesses say tried to rob three undergraduate women, is Joseph Macchiarulo Jr., 21, of Brighton, according to the police.

Matthew C. Barber '02, of Pforzheimer, and his friend, Dane Benoit, both employees of Johnny's Luncheonette, had just finished their evening shift and were heading home through the Square around 1 a.m.


Three female undergraduates walked several paces ahead.

"This girl screamed and said her wallet was stolen," Benoit said.

Barber then noticed a blond-haired young man wearing a Nike jacket slinking away.

"He started walking pretty quickly. I started going after him," he said.

A chase began.

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