
Senior Appears on New Game Show

Ilagan wins prize in episode of Match Game

Harvard's version of a spastic gameshow host, Mandel N. Ilagan '99, has finally hit the big time.

This summer, the Kirkland House senior, became one of the first contestants on a new TV game show, set to air next week.

A lifelong fan of game shows and host of two Harvard-Radcliffe Media Network shows, Ilagan heard about the new program taping and decided to audition for his 15 minutes of fame.

The show is called Match Game. Each contestant is given a phrase, and then asked to fill in the missing word, using the creative powers of their mind.

During his audition, Ilagan was asked to nickname Luciano Pavarotti, who had just sung a concert with the Spice Girls.


Ilagan's answer: "Chubby Spice. I got a point for that," he said.

He was also asked to fill in the missing punch-line to a constructed joke.

For example: "Never marry a librarian. I did and every time I ask her to make love, she tells me___."

To "be quiet," Ilagan said he responded. The shows' producers liked what they heard and scheduled him as a contestant.

Appearing with comedians Richard Jeni, Vicki Lawrence and Nell Carter, as well as soap opera hunk Joshua Morrow, Ilagan made quite an impression.

He says he won a prize, but doesn't want to divulge it.

Ilagan lauds the new game show: "It's one the all-time best game shows that has ever aired," he said.

"One of the funniest, too."

Ilagan hosts Survey Says! and Common Sense, two Harvard-Radcliffe Television game shows.

His Web site,, is a tribute to the art of game-showing. There's even a photo of him with actress Betty White.

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