
Student Groups Gear Up for Celebration of Israel's 50th

The 50th anniversary of the state of Israel--which takes place this week--is a "tremendously momentous event," according to Hillel Chair Michael M. Rosen '99. And Jewish student groups are planning to celebrate it with an extensive slate of events.

Harvard Students for Israel and Harvard-Radcliffe Hillel are working together on a variety of activities to celebrate Israel's Independence Day--Yom HaAtzmaut--which begins Wednesday at sundown and ends Thursday evening.

The festivities include a semiformal dinner on Wednesday followed by an "Israeli Cafe"--a midnight barbeque at Hillel--and a cultural fair on Thursday outside the Science Center.

"This is a largest Israel independence program that Harvard Students for Israel and Harvard Radcliffe Hillel have every put on together, and rightly so," says Hillel Chair Michael M. Rosen '99.

Celebration organizers say Israel's 50th anniversary is particularly meaningful.


"Many in the Jewish community consider the declaration of the independence of the state of Israel to be the most monumental event in 2,000 years of Jewish history," says Rustin C. Silverstein '99, one of the co-chairs of Harvard Students for Israel. "Especially given that these 50 years have been tumultuous, it makes the anniversary that much sweeter."

"A number of American Jews have personal reasons for celebrating Israel," he adds. "Many have lived there or travelled there."

According to Benjamin Labwohl '99, the other co-chair of Harvard Students for Israel, the 50 year-old state's significance transcends its role a religious homeland. It is also an important 20th century success story, he says.

"Israel represents an astounding example of progress in the post world war period," he says. "It's a very young nation but with many accomplishments to speak for, both culturally as well as in the form of its government, as a vibrant democracy."

Student organizations intend to use the anniversary to raise awareness of Israeli culture on campus.

"It's a great opportunity to raise awareness both for Jewish students who don't necessarily know very much about Israel, but probably even more so for non-Jewish students who don't know that much about Israel, who will be able to see it from a variety of different perspectives," Rosen says.

"We're using this opportunity to introduce the campus to the significance of Israel in the world," Lebwohl adds.

The kick-off event of this week's celebration will be the semiformal dinner on Wednesday night. Although RSVP is required, there are a few slots remaining, according to Rebecca J. Slotnick '99, who has organized the Israel at 50 festivities along with Sarah C. Melvoin '00. At the event, which will be held at Hillel, "several undergraduates, the Director of Hillel, and possibly some faculty members will be relating their thoughts and experiences with Israel," Lebwohl says.

Later that night, there will be a midnight barbeque in Hillel's courtyard, featuring "hot dogs, hamburgers and Israeli junkfood," according to Lebwohl. The event, which is billed as an "Israeli Cafe" will run form 11 until 1.

On Thursday, organizers have planned a "cultural extravaganza" outside the Science Center, which will feature Israeli food, music, dancing and information booths describing Israeli culture, geography and information for students interested in travelling to Israel, according to Silverstein.
