
Students Enjoy Luxuries of Langdell

Since the September re-opening of the newly renovated Harvard Law School Library in Langdell Hall, undergraduates seeking the ideal study atmosphere have been migrating from the simple comforts of Lamont to the plush elegance of Langdell.

"I think people are slowly discovering [Langdell] more and more," Anne C. Tsai '00-'99 said.

Luxury Accomodations

Since Lamont and Cabot Libraries became over-crowded during reading period last semester, students in search of an alternative study space have slowly been arriving at Langdell. During reading period, it's often undergraduates--not Law School students--that may be found reading beneath the dazzle of the library's twenty new chandeliers.

"Ever since fall exam period, it seems like there has been an influx of undergraduates," Heather Chang '99, a library regular, said.


Overcrowding at undergraduate libraries may be what originally drew students to Langdell, but the expensive new furniture and technological facilities are what have encouraged them to stay.

"During exam period in January, I felt that there were more undergraduates than law students in the library," Alexander C. Band '98 said.

"It's definitely the best library at Harvard," Jennifer H. Wu '99 noted. "I don't want to study anywhere else."

Many undergraduates agree that the spacious building, located a short walk from the Science Center, is an ideal study spot.

"It's gorgeous," Tsai said. "You can bring your lap top there and every single table has an outlet and data jack."

"You see, at Lamont sometimes the facilities aren't as nice," Jeffrey T. Lu '01 said.

In comparison with undergraduate libraries, Langdell has the advantage of being less crowded. This may be due to the fact that Law School students have different exam schedules than undergraduates, or simply because, as older students with cars or apartments, they have more resources at their disposal.

"There is a lot of space to study, so there is rarely ever an issue of overcrowding similar to what happens at law school library," Amresh Raina '99 said.

Langdell reopened September 2 after renovations budgeted at $35.9 million. The library, which seats 240 at its hardwood tables and 98 in its generous couches and armchairs, is certainly a change from Hilles' 70s genre seating arrangements.

"It's a far cry from the libraries that most undergraduates are used to," Steve Y. Won '99 said. "It's climate controlled, too."

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