

Rubens Was Right

Women's bodies have been subjects of great art for centuries. So why is it that, in this day and age of supposed "enlightenment," near-starvation thinness is worshipped as ideal, and everything else is slammed as simply "fat?" In Blown Sideways Through Life, Claudia Shear discusses how being fat doesn't have the dangerous allure that drugs and alcohol do: "You're just fat," she sighs. Wander into any Express store, and notice how the skirts are cut so that any woman who has any sort of shape to her body (other than that of a stick) will not be able to fit into them. For the sake of women all over the world and their health, this critic dares to ask--can centuries of master artists be wrong? Let the Three Muses dance uninhibitedly, as Kate Moss and everyone on "Ally MacBeal" chows down on some Haagen Dasz.

Film Society, Anyone?

Have you ever noticed how many zillions of student organizations there are here at Harvard? Don't let that intimidate you--there's always room for a few more. Let's say that you and a few friends really want to see, oh, for example, A Nightmare on Elm Street on Halloween. On the big screen. For free. The answer: start your own film society! It's fun, it's cool, and it sounds intellectual and artsy. (Hey, three guys in Lowell House did it.) If that doesn't work, start a coup and force Your own (already-functioning) House Film Society to have weekend-long "Simpsons" marathons, without the commercials or the end credits. Two thumbs up!

Boston Over Break


As long as you're stuck in Cambridge over spring break, you might as well take the opportunity to do all of those things that you'd never, ever have time to do during the term. Harvard's minutes away from Boston, though judging from the crowds in the Lamont reading room these days, one would never know it. Go to Boston. Experience the Arts. If we were here, this is where we'd be: 1) the MFA. A supereclectic show called "A Grand Design" is now on exhibit. You'll recognize this exhibit from the ads in the T station-can't miss those funky blue shoes. 2) The Science Museum. (Yes, the Science Museum) Everest is their current Omni film. 3) "Collected Stories," a Pulizter Prize nominated play, is now onstage at the Huntington Theatre. Check out the review on page 2.

Freedom Overflow

People who have several actor-friends will have difficulties keeping all those breathless promises: No less than four (4, IV, quatre) productions will go up just about every single weekend in April. This obviously doesn't include ones that I have not included, but, nonetheless, the number is staggeringly high. Will the threateningly high volume mean quality shortages in the near future, leading to a reactionary, elitist reduction of productions sometime in the future? We can hope not, because the percentage of shows worth their lovinggoodness remains constant, meaning a higher yield the higher the number of shows (the math is staggering). One reduction can be made, if things get dire: the annual freshman musical, which perhaps would do better as a valuable organizational exercise, with optionally open rehearsal, but not ever publicly performed.

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