
Icon Magazine Debuts

The most recent addition to Harvard's publishing scene put out its first issue this week, but don't expect to find it in your mailbox or dining hall--check the Internet instead. Icon Magazine is viewable only at

Previously, there have been a few attempts at online magazines at the College, but Icon's editors said they hope to really make a go of the idea. Various print publications on campus have maintained Web sites for some time, but Icon claims to be the first that is specifically designed to harness the Internet's capabilities.

The magazine's Web site explains "Icon is a creative endeavor that uses the possibilities afforded by today's technology to bring something new to the art of storytelling."

The first issue of the Icon features traditional magazine fare--essays, poetry and stories--but also items unique to multimedia, like video and interactive games.

Some students who viewed Icon said they liked its fresh approach.


"It does make good use of the medium," said Joseph P. Chase '02.

"We think it's really important to include multimedia," said Editor-in-Chief Parul Singh '00, adding that there are many Web sites that have done exciting things with the new medium.

But Singh said she does not believe the Internet will render printed publications obsolete. "It's just a different way of presenting information," she said.

Although Singh said Icon would have wide appeal, it is targeted at Harvard students and others with high-speed Internet capabilities, since the magazine takes utilizes the latest technologies.

The editors initially plan to publish Icon bi-monthly, though they hope to make it a monthly sometime in the future.

In addition to Singh the other founders of Icon are Darryl Li '01, Swan Sit '99-'00 and Maryanthe E. Malliaris '01, who is also a Crimson executive.
