
Thanks to Rally Supporters


To the editors:

I would like to publicly thank the following people for their assistance in organizing Tuesday's rally against impeaching the President. Richard Parker at the Kennedy School of Government was helpful in developing the speaker list. The Harvard Radcliffe College Democrats helped with every aspect of organizing the event; special thanks to Joe Sanberg '01, Eugene Krupitsky '02, Erin Ashwell '02 and all the students who helped. The Science Center Director's office provided us with a room and guidance on the logistics of the event. The Science Center Prep Room and Audio Visual Services provided excellent audio/visual support. Joe Wrinn and the Harvard News Office advised us on how to accommodate the press. Lt. John Rooney of the Harvard Police coordinated the security and ensured a safe environment for everyone. Finally, and most importantly, I thank the Harvard students, faculty, staff and members of our community who came to show their outrage at the possible impeachment of the President and the threat to our constitution.


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