
College Democrats Elect 1999 Board of Directors

The Harvard-Radcliffe Democrats elected their new executive board last night after approximately three hours of speeches and debate.

The members of the new board are: Joseph N. Sanberg '00, president; Marc Stad '01, vice president; Erin B. Ashwell '02, treasurer; Jessica L. Richman '01, secretary; Gabriel A. Mendel '02, campaigns committee chair; Rebecca C. Hardiman '01 events committee chair; Brian A. Chernoff '00, community service committee chair; Elizabeth L. Howe '00, internships committee chair; and Jamie H. Ginott '00 and Richard Cooper '00, members-at-large.

Outgoing president Michael J. Passante '99 said that because the upcoming year is not a major election year, the group will be able to shift its focus away from campaigning for Democratic candidates.

"There's more room for creativity," he said.

Newly elected president Sanberg said he believes the organization will be "a leader of progressivism and political activism on campus and in Massachusetts."


Sanberg also said he is looking forward to "building coalitions with other progressive groups."

Successful vice presidential candidate Stad was equally enthusiastic about the future of the Harvard-Radcliffe Democrats.

Stad said he wants to "help further [the] club's message that politics matters and that the Democratic Party is the party for the students on this campus."
