
Harvard Republicans Elect New Leaders

The Harvard-Radcliffe Republican Club elected its new executive board last Wednesday.

The new officers are: Anne L. Berry '00, president; Melissa R. Langsam '99, vice president, who is also a Crimson editor; Justin A. Barkley '02, secretary; Jeffrey A. Letalien '00, treasurer; Brian R. Smith '02, membership director; Beth A. Schonmuller '01, member at large; and Bronwen C. McShea '02, freshman member at large.

"I'm very excited about the new leadership for the club," said outgoing President C.J. Mahoney '00. "In particular, I think it is good that we have two women in the top leadership posts."

Berry, the newly-elected president, said she viewed the competition for the various positions as indicators "that there's a lot of creativity and promise within the Republican Club at Harvard."

Asked about her goals, Berry said, "I want to show Republicans and conservatives...that affiliating with the Republican party and holding conservative ideas does not have to be a sacrifice at Harvard. One important way to do that is to show other students around campus that Republicans are thinking people with reasonable ideas."


Berry said, "I hope to create a friendly rivalry with the Dems too."

The Harvard-Radcliffe Democrats elected their new leaders late last night but the results were not available at press time.
