
Kudos to House Supers

* Bridge Housing Lets Early Bird Students Access Own Rooms

Many early bird students were able to catch, if not worms, at least their own rooms upon landing in Cambridge last week. Kudos go to house superintendents who were kind enough to accommodate these students not just with bridge housing, but with their own space, saving them the schlep of a double move-in. These superintendents include those in charge of Dunster House, Leverett House, Pforzheimer House and Mather House.

Dunster House Superintendent Joseph O'Connor claims to have helped about 40 such undergraduates, who include athletes and peer counselors. O'Connor says that while early arrivals do not have the right to move into their own room, even if they are placed in their own house, he tries to help them do so for two reasons. First, it is more practical for the students. Second, students living in their own rooms tend to take better care of them.

Matt Stec, Superintendent of Leverett House, says that he will be able to assist all Leverett early birds by placing them in their own rooms. He estimates that only 15 of more than 300 undergrads moving in before Sept. 10 will qualify, but he says he is pleased to do what what he can. Among the early Leverett arrivals are students leaders of the First-Year Outdoor and Urban Programs and the Phillips Brooks House Association.

This helpfulness with the housing gap has become necessary mostly because of this year's extra late movein date of Sept. 10, which is only two days before upperclass registration and is in the middle of the week. Such timing just makes it more difficult for students, many with their parents, to travel and re-adjust to the College. Associate Dean of Harvard College for Human Resource and the House System Thomas A. Dingman '67 ought to make an earlier move-in date for next year, and work with the house superintendents who better know how to accommodate student needs.

We also strongly encourage housing officials to begin an open dialogue with students groups that require housing at Commencement and registration to make the system more pleasant and efficient for all involved.
