

Seniors: Vote In Your House Dining Halls

Chandler F. Arnold

Quincy House

Harvard Emerging Literacy Project, Founder; Crimson Key Society, President; University-wide Charity Drive (UC), Co-Chair; First-Year Outdoor Program, Trip Leader; Let's Go.

Vipin Goyal

Adams House


City Step, Executive Director and Teacher; South Asian Association, Co-President; Prefect Program.

Anupam Mishra

Leverett House

City Step, Teacher; Student Recruiter and Tour Guide for Harvard Admissions; South Asian Association; Prefect Program; Club Tennis; Intramurals, House Secretary; H.A.N.D., Big Sib.

Joaquin A. Avino

Eliot House

HACIA Democracy, Business Director; Eliot House Committee, Co-Chair; CAUSA, Treasurer; Junior Parents Weekend Committee, House Representative; HOLA.

David L. Greene

Quincy House

The Harvard Crimson, Senior Editor, National Election Correspondent; Crimson Key Society, Treasurer, Marshal's Office Coordinator, PBH, Elderly Affairs Committee; Harvard College Fund, Student Representative.

Carsten M. Reichel

Leverett House

Harvard University Choir & Morning Choir; Hasty Pudding Theatricals Band; Sunday Jazz Band; Undergraduate Council; Undergraduate Teachers Education Program.

Husani K. Barnwell

Kirkland House

HSA Board of Directors, Student Director; Harvard Graphic Design, Head Designer, Graphic Design Group, President; Varsity Track and Field; Summerbridge Cambridge, teacher.

Nathan Herrmann

Currier House

Currier House Committee, President, Vice President; PBHA Food Salvage, Chair; PBHA Safetywalk.

Tige Stading

Kirkland House

Crimson Key Society, Vice President & Freshman Walk Coordinator '96; Prefect Program, Steering Committee; Harvard Business School Reunions, Class Manager; Kirkland House Committee, Secretary; Alumni Association, Undergraduate Committee.

Adam D. Borchert

Mather House

Hasty Pudding Theatricals, Co-Producer '97-'98, Ticket Manager '96-'97, Business Associate '95-'96; Crimson Key Society; Varsity Football; Cambridge Youth Soccer; Economics Department Unit Test Grader and Peer Tutor.

Robert M. Hyman

Kirkland House

Student Body President.

Matthew Tambiah

Lowell House

Harvard Rugby; Class Marshal Candidate.

Jason S. Cassidy

Quincy House

Dorm Crew, Head Captain '97-'98; Quincy House Committee, Social Chair '96, Chair '97; J.V. Baseball, Captain '97-'98; Harvard U. Committee on House Life; Harvard College Scholar.

Joshua A. Kaufman

Dunster House

The Harvard Crimson, Editorial Chair '97; Hillel Forum Director, '96; IOP, Associate; Rotaract Club, Founding Member; Social Studies Concentrator.

Jean-Paul Tremblay

Adams House

The Harvard Crimson Cellar Door.

Nester Q. Clark

Adams House

Adams H.A.N.D. Karate Instructor; Karate Instructor - Cambridge Community Center '95-'96; Harvard Boxing Club, Co-President; Harvard Kendo Team, President '95-'96; Mission Hill After School Program '94-'95.

Philip R. Kaufman

Dunster House

Varsity Heavyweight Crew; Prefect Program; Undergraduate Council.

Brad J. Waskewich

Lowell House

Fantastick Theatre Company, Co-Founder and Head Director; Director of "Fantasticks"; Crimson Key Society; Prefect Program; Director of "Merrily We Roll Along".

Joshua M. Cohen

Kirkland House

Director of "Hair" and "The Wiz"; Actor in "Macbeth", "West Side Story", and "Sticks and Bones"; Crimson Key Society; On The Rocks; Harvard-Radcliffe Hillel.

A. Ryan Leslie

Pforzheimer House

The Harvard Krokodiloes; HSA, UGH Sales Team; Quad Sound Studios, Engineer; The B.E.L.L. Foundation, Administrative Director (Project U.N.I.T.Y.); Harvard Black Men's Forum, Arts & Entertainment Chair.

John B. Esterhay

Leverett House

Harvard-Radcliffe Reunions; Harvard Model Congress; First-Year Outdoor Program; IOP.

Andwele J. Lewis

Leverett House

Black Students Association, Senior Representative, Executive Board; Undergraduate Council, Delegation Leader; Harvard Society of Black Scientists & Engineers, Vice President; Harvard Entrepreneurs Club, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering.

Todd L. Glaskin

Lowell House

Let's Go, Director of Ad Sales; HSA Sales/Fundrasing Representative; Harvard Crimson; Hunneman of Brookline/Cambridge, Real Estate Agent.

Thomas J. McLaughlin

Kirkland House

Harvard Men's Soccer, Captain; H.A.N.D. Tutorial Program; Harvard Investment Association; Harvard Computer Society; Academic All-American.

Margaret B. Angell

Mather House

Varsity Cross Country, Indoor and Outdoor Track & Field, Captain; Research Assistant; Prefect Program; Global Education Outreach.

Deepti Choubey

Dunster House

Harvard International Relations Council, President; Hacia Democracy, Chair; UAC for the Government Department, Representative; Harvard Model United Nations, Moderator/Director; Crimson Key Society.

Stacey I. Gordon

Quincy House

City Step, Executive Director; Government Undergraduate Advisory Committee; Crimson Key Society; Mainly Jazz Dance Company; Hillel Dramatic Society.

Maria L. Kirby

Cabot House

IOP; H.A.N.D.; HSA; Harvard Forensics Society; Black Students Association.

Mina K. Park

Pforzheimer House

First-Year Urban Program; Asian American Association; Undergraduate Minority Recruitment Program; Ethnic Studies Action Committee; The Advocate.

Renee Soto

Pforzheimer House

H-R TV, Executive Board; Pforzheimer House Committee, Representative; Mainly Jazz Dance Company, Member/Choreographer.

Megan Basil

Lowell House

Varsity Women's Basketball Team, Captain; Varsity Club Undergraduate Advisory Committee on Athletics; Lowell House Committee; PBH, Hunger Action Committee; Boston Police Youth Organization.

Giselle Crosa

Currier House

Currier House Committee Secretary; Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra; Mission Hill After School Program; HSFHA.

Audra A. Hale

Cabot House

Cabot House Committee, Co-Chair; Arts First Volunteer Coordinator; Prefect Program; Cabot Musical Theatre; Government Dept. Undergraduate Advisory Committee.

Karen Lau

Cabot House

HSA; PBH, Chinatown Afterschool Counselor; Cabot House Intramural Representative; Dorm Crew

Kristina L. Patterson

Pforzheimer House

Harvard Model Congress, Co-President; P.E.N. ESL teacher; Intramural House Captain; H.A.N.D. tutor; HSA.

Amanda Spector

Kirkland House

PBHA, Secretary/Trustee; Mission Hill Afterschool Program Coordinator; Crimson Key Society; Radcliffe Rugby; H-R Alumni Association, Undergraduate Relations Committee.

Leila S. Bham

Lowell House

Harvard Yearbook Publications, Co-Editor-in-Chief; Lowell House Opera, Producer; Harvard University Band; Harvard-Radcliffe TV; Lowell House Music Society.

Nina Das

Kirkland House

Radcliffe Pitches; Kirkland House Committee; Crimson Key Society; Harvard Prefect Program; South Asian Association.

Elizabeth Hanify

Kirkland House

H.A.N.D. program, Secretary; Kirkland H.A.N.D. Coordinator; Prefect Program; Big Sib Program.

Alice S. Lee

Adams House

The Harvard Crimson, Business Board; The Harvard Coop Board of Directors; Lyman Common Room Coordinator; Boston Refugee Youth Enrichment Program; Adams House H.A.N.D. program mentoring coordinator.

Coventry Edward's-Pitt

Eliot House

Prefect Program; Undergraduate Council; Evening with Champions; Project Health; Dunster House Opera.

Deborah B. Sternlight

Kirkland House

ExperiMentors Steering Committee, Head School Liason; Kirkland House Junior Librarian; 1997 Harvard VISIONS Int'l AIDS Conference, Publicity Co-Chair; Radcliffe Mentor Program; Bureau of Study Counsel Tutor.

Manisha Bharti

Adams House

Room 13, Counselor; HRUC, Vice-Chair Campus Life Com; Prefect Program; PBH, School Coordinator and Steering Committee Member of Peace Games; Committee to Improve Loker Commons.

Erin F. Delaney

Kirkland House

PBHA, Alumni Outreach Officer; HRDC, Producer, Assistant Director; IOP, Community Action Committee; Varsity Sailing Team; Crimson Key Society.

Susannah Hills

Cabot House

Cabot House Committee, Secretary of Cabot House; HRDC, "A Chorus Line", "West Side Story", "Ordinary People"; Cobot House Musicals, "Crazy for You", "South Pacific"; H-R Cancer Society; Peace Games.

Suzanne C. Lye

Eliot House

Evening with Champions; Harvard Political Review; H.A.N.D. tutor; H-R Dramatic Club; Harvard Crew.

Crystal A. Redd

Currier House

PBHA, Academy Homes Afterschool Program Co-Director; BSA Public Service Chair; Expressions Dance Company; Radcliffe Research Partnership Program; Harvard College Phoneathon.

Sheila Warren

Dunster House

Dunster House Committee, Co-Chair, Junior Parents Weekend Committee, Co-Chair; Crimson Key Society; PBHA Officers Committee '96; Lighthouse Magazine Staff and Writer.

Katherine M. Brown

Adams House

The Harvard Independent; Prefect Program; The Harvard Advocate; B.R.Y.E. tutoring; Cellar Door Magazine.

Uche Ezekwueche

Cabot House

Women in Science at Harvard-Radcliffe; Academy Homes Educational Assistance Development Program; Black Students Association; Expressions Dance Company; African Students Association.

Carrie A. Jablonski

Kirkland House

Junior Parents Weekend Committee, Co-Chair; Women in Economics and Government Society, Co-Chair; Prefect Program, Steering Committee; Crimson Key Society; Varsity Basketball.

Vandana L. Madhavan

Leverett House

H-R Notables, Co-Production Manager; College Bowl, Executive Board; Radcliffe Phonathon Caller; H.A.N.D. Homework Center Tutor; JEOPARDY! College Championship, 2nd place.

Karima A. Ridgley

Dunster House

Radcliffe Union of Students; Uni-Lu Homeless Shelter; Harvard Alumni Association; Dunster House Committee; H-R Dramatic Club.

Ann A. Waterman

Leverett House

Prefect Program; Intramural Referee and Leverett A-League Soccer Captain; Harvard Model United Nations; H-R Noteables; Blood Drive Volunteer.

Jenner M. Bryce

Mather House

Harvard Model Congress; Keylatch Inner City Outreach Program; Radcliffe Varsity Crew; Harvard Model Congress Europe; IOP.

Sheila Vera Flynn

Currier House

E.C.H.O., Peer Counseling; Producer, "Eat Your Heart Out"; Summer School Proctor; Criminal Justice Intern; Psychology Laboratory Research Assistant.

Jennifer S. Joel

Kirkland House

Hasty Pudding Theatricals, Director of Special Events/Chairman; Crimson Key Society; Undergraduate Admissions Council; Prefect Program; Keylatch Outreach Program.

Isela Morales

Cabot House

Concilio Latino, President; Latinas Unidas, Board Member; La Organization Estudiantil Boricua, Co-Chairperson; Area IV youth Center, tutor; HSA.

Elizabeth E. Rogers

Winthrop House

PBHA, Board of Officers/Director of Keylatch Afterschool Program; Room 13, Co-Director; Peer Contraceptive Counselors; Harvard Prefect Program; Crimson FM Editor.

June Yoshinari

Currier House

Mission Hill Afterschool Program, Counselor and Coordinator; Response Peer Counselor; Currier House Committee; Office of the Secretary of FAS Prizes Office, Student Intern.

Anna O. Chai

Eliot House

Harvard Women's Tennis; Harvard Women's Field Hockey; Eliot House Intramural Secretary; Evening with Champions; Arts First.

Amanda P. Fortini

Kirkland House

Chance Program, Co-Chair; Best Buddies Program; FM Magazine; Crimson Key Society; IOP.

Shilpa M. Jain

Eliot House

City Step; South Asian Association; Peer Contraceptive Counselors; Peace Games; Undergraduate Council

Mary Naber

Lowell House

Christian Impact; Women's Varsity Waterpolo Co-Captain; Crimson Sports; Women's Varsity Swim Team Eastern Champion; UC Representative.

Susan Samuels

Quincy House

Peer Counseling Group, Co-Director; Crimson Key Society, Executive Board; Prefect Program; H-R Hillel, Leadership Council; H-R Chorus & Chamber Ensemble.

Lesley L. Chen

Leverett House

Leverett House Arts Society; Harvard University Choir & Morning Choir; H-R Society for Creative Anachronism; H-R Forensics Association; PBHA Reading for the Blind.

Mary L. Gallagher

Mather House

PBH Learn to Skate; Mather H.A.N.D.; Harvard Softball Announcer; Undergraduate Admissions; IM Ice Hockey.

Kavita Kacholia

Adams House

Radcliffe Union of Students, Co-President; Women in Science at Harvard-Radcliffe, Co-President; Biology Advisory Committee for Undergraduate Program, Student Advisor; Harvard Toscanini Chamber Orchestra; Ghungroo.

Leah Okimoto

Leverett House

Leverett House Committee, Co-Chair; H-R Students of Operation Smile, President/Co-Founder; Chamber Music at Mather; Uni-Lu Homeless Shelter; Christian Impact.

Alison L. Seanor

Quincy House

Varsity Basketball; Harvard Alumni Association, Student Crew Chief; Hasty Pudding Club; Women an Sports Day; HSA.

Bertie H. Cheng

Pforzheimer House

Pforzheimer House Committee, Vice President/Social Chair; Radcliffe Novice Crew; IM Crew; PBH; WHRB; The Pfoxy Charity Ball Chair

Melissa R. Gerling

Eliot House

IOP, Student Advisory Committee; Women's Leadership Project, Co-Chair; Harvard Model Congress; H.A.N.D. Literacy tutor.

Melanie Q. Kansil

Winthrop House

City Step; Let's Go Publications; Prefect Program; HSA.

Erin O'Malley

Quincy House

Radcliffe Crew, Captain; Crimson Key Society; Uni-Lu Volunteer; Quincy House Treasurer; Harvard Model Congress.

Amita Shukla

Winthrop House

The Harvard Crimson, Senior Editor/Co-Chair of Diversity Committee; Harvard Program in International Education, Business Manager; Harvard Model United Nations, Committee Director; South Asia Journal, Editor-In-Chief.
