
Chelsea Rules Out Yale University

With deadline day for college decisions fast approaching, First Daughter Chelsea V. Clinton continued her whirlwind tour of potential choices with a stop at Yale.

Despite the visit--including an overnight stay in Silliman College Monday and attendance at an international relations class--Clinton apparently does not list Yale as a top choice, according to the Yale Daily News.

The student daily reports that Harvard, Princeton and Stanford make up the short list as of now.

Clinton has spent much of her time on campuses ducking newspaper reporters and avoiding attention. In fact, those close to the First Daughter have frequently cited the amount of media attention as a big factor in her decision.

Clinton paid her visit to Harvard April 5-6.


The Daily News wrote that Clinton's friends criticized Harvard reporters during that visit.

They complained that "...Reporters from The Harvard Crimson camped out in front of her room and harassed her," wrote Daily News reporter Erin White in an article in yesterday's edition.

Staff at the Daily News could not say definitely whether the actions of Yale's media--particularly Daily News reporters--differed markedly.

"I'm not sure what they did," said Daily News Editor Yen Cheong. "We did advise them to be discreet."

The Daily News story said Harvard's campus media may have played a role in the final stages of Clinton's decision.

"Friends said the reporters' behavior damaged Harvard's chances of attracting Clinton," the article said.

At Yale, Clinton declined interviews and, those close to her "begged reporters not to harass her," the Daily News also reported.
