

Peninsula Article Distorts Views


While I realize that the Crimson's editorial board disagrees with most of Peninsula's positions, I was extremely disgusted to read Daniel Suleiman's Dartboard pieces (March 1), which referred to Peninsula members as "racist assholes." I find it ironic that someone should call another group of people "racist" while presenting his view in this extremely bigoted manner.

Moreover, I am extremely disappointed to see that despite my efforts to answer Suleiman's questions about forged posters, he has misrepresented the information I gave him for the purpose of ridiculing Peninsula. Dan asked if I could answer some questions about the posters. I replied at the beginning of our conversation, "I have not seen the fake posters, so I don't think I can help you. You may want to try Brad Whitman or Chris Griffith." In fact, I was surprised to receive a call in the first place since I am not a member of Peninsula's Council. As I'm sure the editors know, all questions concerning the magazine should be directed to someone with editorial responsibility for the magazine--the Council. "Guardians," such as myself, have no authority to speak for the publication, because they are not involved in editorial or management decisions (i.e. signs). Based on this fact, which any well-versed reporter would have recognized, and which Suleiman led me to believe he understood, I provided only background information which was to be verified later with a Council member.

Suleiman acted unethically on this occasion by not only misrepresenting my words and views, but also by providing misleading information to Crimson readers as to my position on Peninsula's staff. --Jay Dickerson '98 Guardian, Peninsula
