

'Transgenderism' Is Not a Frivolous Choice


I am writing in response to the staff editorial and dissent printed in The Crimson of Feb. 24. Your staff editorial's assessment of the issue makes me wonder if you have read anything on transgenderism or theory regarding gender identity. There is a huge difference between a "self-perception" and differently-identifying yourself based on gender and not on sex. Your piece makes it sound as if transgendered individuals choose to "perceive" themselves as gendered differently because it is fun and frivolous.

Being discriminated against or considered a freak is not fun or frivolous. You are talking about people, human beings, men and women who are deserving of respect and deserving of an official policy to protect themselves within this institution from bigotry and prejudice. This is a real issue that touches real students, and I honestly believe that it is not going to hurt anyone.

For one to say that the Undergraduate Council should spend its time "addressing issues such as section sizes and core reform," as the dissent to the editorial did, is ludicrous. First and foremost, the council is a student advocate; it exists for our benefit as a community of individuals. And the most important and fundamental concern of the council should be to ensure that every student is provided with the means to exist on this campus to his or her fullest potential, to exist here in dignity and pride and openness, and to be respected. Your editorial, and the dissent saying that the council has better things to do, denies that dignity and respect to students who have graduated, who currently attend and who will attend in the future. --Nicole Lyn DeBlosi '99
