
Women's, Men's Squash Still Rule Hemenway Gym

Penn, Princeton and Dartmouth Succumb to Crimson

Kansas may have the basketball team this winter, Michigan may have the hockey team, but Harvard has, as always, the squash team.

If you are a Harvard sports fan and starved for a win, you need only walk over to Hemenway Gym. What you'll see are some of the top players in the country--men and women--combine dazzling footwork, vicious angle shots and devastating rails to make mince meat out of their hapless opponents.

That is precisely what the Harvard men's and women's squash teams did, in identical fashion, this past Saturday against the University of Pennsylvania (7-2), Princeton (5-4) on Sunday and most recently against Dartmouth (8-1) on Wednesday.

But before you dismiss last week's happenings as just another routine massacre at Hemenway Gym, read on.

Against Princeton, there were actually some very interesting matches and momentum swings, or what other teams have probably come to know as Hemenway Hell.



But first things first--before Princeton the team had to face the unlucky Quakers. To put it bluntly, Pennsylvania simply is not, and has not been a match for the men's and women's squash team for some time. As a result, the women used Penn like a cheap one-night stand to get ready for its toughest challenge the next day.

"We were really nervous for [the match against Penn] because we had Princeton on we wanted to beat Penn with really high intensity," said sophomore Lindsey Wilbur, the number-three player on the team. "It was a really good match for us to warm up at so we got some of our jitters out, and Sunday we were more calm."

"Getting our jitters out" and "warming up" translated into nothing more than a 7-2 Crimson bloodbath by the women.

And it was business as usual for the Crimson men as they made Quaker Oats out of Penn with a 7-2 victory. Each of the men's first seven players handed Penn a 3-0 blanking.

This is not surprising when you consider that the Crimson men's squash roster includes national powerhouse stars like juniors Daniel Ezra and Joel Kirsh, the number-one and number-two players on the team. Ezra, for example, can beat some of the top squash professionals in the country. One can only imagine what he does to his Ivy League foes.


The story of the weekend for the men and the women was to be found against Princeton. The women especially, who lost to Princeton earlier in an unofficial scrimmage, were given a run for their money as they came very close to losing the meet (a huge no-no in squash)--only to pull off a stunning comeback in the last match of the day.

In squash, a victory by the number-nine player means just as much as a victory by the number-one player, and on Sunday it was the work of the lower ranked players on the team which saved the day.

The Crimson women were trailing 4-1 with only four matches left to play. All of a sudden, three of the matches ended at the same time, and Wilbur, sophomore Vanessa Hoerman, and freshman Blair Endresen emerged victorious from their courts to tie the Tigers at 4-4.
