
First-Years Arraigned On Alcohol Charges

The two first-year students arrested Friday night for transporting alcohol and procuring it by false representation were arraigned yesterday morning in Middlesex County District Court.

Both students, who asked not to be identified, pleaded guilty to the charges filed against them by the state.

The student who purchased the alcohol had his driver's license suspended and was ordered to pay a $285 fine.

The student who waited outside while his roommate purchased the alcohol was ordered to pay a $50 fine.

Neither student had legal representation.


"We were really a little unprepared," said the student who purchased the alcohol.

He said that he was not aware that his driver's license could be suspended.

The students were arrested as a result of a sting operation organized by the Cambridge Police Department as part of its "Cops in Shops" program.

The first-years were arrested after one of the students bought three 12-packs of beer at L'il Peach, located at 1105 Mass. Ave.

Upon leaving the courtroom yesterday, both students went to a nearby ATM machine, withdrew money and paid their respective fines, the student who bought the alcohol said.

The two roommates arrived at the courthouse, which is located near the Lechmere MBTA stop, at approximately 8:30 a.m. and then went to the parole office to fill out preliminary forms.

The two roommates then waited their turn for several hours on the 13th floor of the Middlesex County Court-house while others were arraigned on various charges.

The student who purchased the alcohol said that it is likely that he and his roommate will have to appear before the Administrative Board. They are scheduled to meet with Assistant Dean of Freshmen David Fithian today.

The student who bought the alcohol said he believed there would be no more legal proceedings.

"I understand and accept that what I did was wrong," the other student said.

"I hope that other people learn from my mistakes.

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