
How to Be Cool

Cut It Out!

"Cool" may be nothing more than a mental state. Unfortunately, not all college guys live there...yet. Hopefully, with some careful planning and creative thinking, you can jump-start the birth of your personal cool. Barring that, for you men lacking in swank, here's a guide to help you pack for your move from Nowheresville to Slick City.

Never wear jeans.

Why does America have an obsession with jeans? They're not more comfortable than regular slacks, and they're too commonplace to foster an image of non-conformity. Think about it: if you heard about a land where everyone wore blue pants, wouldn't you think those people were just a bit odd?

Never wear shorts, outside of vigorous activity.

By not wearing shorts, you silently testify, "I'm so cool, I don't get hot." New England isn't that scalding anyway, so wear slacks and suck it up. After all, do you think the Bedouins roaming the Arabian deserts stop to buy shorts at the Gap? Of course not. (They buy pants.)


Ditto that with sneakers.

Corollary with the previous two injunctions:

I. Sneakers don't go with anything but jeans or shorts.

II. You shouldn't wear jeans or shorts.

III. Thus, you shouldn't wear sneakers. QED.

Don't tuck your shirts in.

Believe it or not, many women say that they prefer the untucked over the tucked-in look--it has to do with individuality or something. Hey, if gals dig it, it must be cool.

Wear glasses.

One student says, "I know this guy on campus who chicks dig and cling to and all that, just because of his tortoise-shell glasses."

Eyeglasses temper your coolness and make you less intimidating to the proletariat. Even if you've got perfect vision, consider getting some frames with non-prescription lenses for use in tragically hip campus parties, overwrought with intellectual angst.
