
Hard Rain Falls

"The storm pattern we've been having should be ending soon," Robert Pannuto, meteorologist at the National Weather Service, said yesterday.

Yesterday's day-long showers were "slow to move because it was a deep storm that was well-developed 20-30,0000 ft. into the upper atmosphere," Pannuto said. But he added yesterday's rain is probably the "end of a series of deep low-pressure systems which develop into storms."

More than four inches of rain have fallen on the Boston area since freshmen first arrived at school on September 9th, Harold Terben, National Weather Service specialist, said yesterday. Other parts of the country, however, have escaped the deluge. "As a matter of fact, it's dry in the western portion of the country," Pannuto said.

Spokesmen for the mental health division of the University Health Services, when questioned about the effects of the bad weather on students' mental outlook, said that "the weather has no effect on the amount of visits here."

Jose Camacho, a first year student at the Business School, said he "was depressed because of the rain every weekend."


Alice E. Hill '81, who is from the Northwest Territories of Canada, said, "at least rain beats snow. I don't mind the rain because I know that there's been snow for more than a month already at home."

The National Weather Service yesterday predicted sunshine and warm weather for today.

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