
Drivers Object To New Rules

Cabdrivers objected last night to what they said was the Cambridge License Commission's interference in their affairs, as recently-passed regulations of cab age and flat rates came up for review.

Since April 1995, no Cambridge cab that is more than nine years old can legally be in service. Cabdrivers protested that enforcement of the "nine years vintage rule," which was waived for 122 drivers last year, would require them to purchase vehicles they can't afford, putting them out of business come April.

In addition, drivers protested the commission's flat rate regulations, which set fixed rates for trips from Cambridge hotels to Logan Airport. These rates, which include tolls and gratuities, are usually lower than the metered fares, costing drivers revenue.

The commission said the regulations are in the public interest, but opponents of the regulations argued that the regulations do little to benefit the public while harming the drivers.

"I think it's clear that the age of the vehicle doesn't determine the safety. Safety comes from maintenance and repair," said Edward J. Lang, who represents a group of more than 50 Cambridge cab drivers who objected to the regulation.


The more than 20 drivers in the room nodded in agreement as Lang called the rule "harsh" and a "hardship" on drivers. They charged that the rule fails to properly address those safety concerns that motivated the 1994 rule.

City Councillor Anthony D. Galluc- cio joined Lang in arguing that regulating safety is a matter of sufficient inspections, not "bright-line" rules that link car age directly to safety.

Galluccio pledged to support greater funding from the council if it would increase inspections to the point where age is not needed as a guideline.

Galluccio said regulations that further reduce driver income will result in compromises in service.

"It's getting to the point where they can't earn a living anymore. We're chipping away at the industry, and we're going to lose these good, quality people," Galluccio said, gesturing to the drivers who packed the room and spilled into the hallway.

"I would love to have a brand new car on the road, but I cannot hand out the money," cabdriver Emelio Lormil told the commission.

Fire Department Chief Kevin J. Fitzgerald, one of three commissioners, objected to using money as a motive. He referred his own department, which requires the car fleet to be replaced every two years and keeps three mechanics on staff, all in the name of public safety.

Commission Chair Benjamin C. Barnes also cited public safety as the sole motive behind the rule, and not concerns of cab appearance, which Lang said was an additional motive for the rule in 1994.

Barnes noted that the commission had given two years' notice of the vintage regulation before passing it.

Further, he said, mechanics made the final decisions last year as to which older cabs would be allowed to remain on the road despite their age. The rule, according to Barnes, has not been indiscriminately applied.

"They're back-pedaling," Lang said. "They're acting like [last year's exemptions based on safety] are a gratuity."

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