
First-Year Is Hit by Bus On Memorial Drive

A first-year suffered minor injuries and a possible fractured wrist after being struck by a commuter bus at the intersection of JFK Street and Memorial Drive at 6:10 a.m. yesterday.

Lisa C. Olmos '00 was transported by ambulance to Mt. Auburn Hospital, where she was treated and released, and spent last night at University Health Services.

Olmos said she received a gash in her forehead and muscle cramps in her legs, which prevented her from walking.

While doctors found no broken bones, she said she may have broken her wrist.

Olmos was on her way to swimming practice when the accident occurred.


She believed the accident was the bus driver's fault and would not comment about the possibility of a lawsuit.

"Some people commuting to work were very, very kind and stopped and gave me help," the first-year student said.

She said she was "very impressed with the kindness of the people in the area."

Cambridge Police officials said yesterday that they had no record of the incident.

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