
HYPE Will Feature Bands, Carnival, Election

This Saturday, students can step into the voting booth and cast a ballot for the next President of the United States.

While the real election is 48 days away, the Institute of Politics (IOP) and the Undergraduate Council are sponsoring a mock election--one of many politically oriented festivities planned for HYPE '96, Harvard Youth for Political Empowerment '96.

"We are really excited about the events," said Eric P. Christofferson '98, projects chair for the institute's Student Advisory Committee (SAC).

SAC Chair Avery W. Gardiner '97 said the IOP-sponsored event will "inspire Harvard students to vote" by "[bringing] the message of politics directly to campus" and informing students of this year's campaign issues.

Organizers said the Eliot, Kirkland and Winthrop House dining halls will be closed for lunch.


Meals will be served outside, amidst a carnival of entertainment, including Boston and Harvard bands, local radio stations and the MTV "Choose or Lose" bus.

Rock the Vote, a voter registration organization, will be at the MAC Quad for HYPE '96, which will take place from 11:30 am to 5 p.m. Saturday.

U.S. Rep. Barney Frank '61-'62 (D-Mass.); Meredith E. Bagby '95, an advisor to presidential candidate H. Ross Perot; David Wilhelm, former chair of the Democratic National Committee; and Susan Weld, the wife of Gov. William F. Weld '66, are among speakers scheduled.

The day will conclude with a 5:30 p.m. debate between Haley Barbour, chair of the Republican National Committee, and U.S. Sen. Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.), chair of the Democratic National Committee. The debate will take place at the IOP's ARCO Forum at the Kennedy School of Government.

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