
Investigators Say Coffee, Caffeine Have No Effect on Chances of Heart Disease

Students no longer have to fear for their hearts when reaching for those extra cups of coffee to stay awake and study for exams.

Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health (SPH) and Brigham and Women's Hospital found no association between coffee intake and the risk of heart disease, according to a study published in this week's Journal of the American Medical Association.

"We found no [connections between] coffee consumption and heart disease, and were able to control for many other factors that might lead to incorrect conclusions," said Dr. Walter Willett, professor of epidemiology and nutrition at SPH and lead author of the study.

Researchers also found no correlation between the overall effects of caffeine and heart disease.

"We calculated caffeine consumption from all sources--from tea and Coca Cola and chocolate--and with all these combined, we saw no relation to heart disease," Willett said yesterday.


"This might be reassuring to some students who are worried that coffee might increase their [risk] of heart disease," he said.

Undergraduates did not seem too convinced when informed of the results of the study, however.

"I know coffee is bad in other ways," said Jennifer Tye '97, a pre-med student. "It dehydrates you, makes you jittery and you get addicted."

Others agree that they do not think coffee is that safe despite hearing the study results.

"It gets me wired up for a while, but then it makes me feel disgusting, so I try and keep away from it anyway," said Sandra L. Patista '97, though she said she needs up to ten cups of coffee a day during exam period or when she is under stress.

Most coffee-drinkers said that having coffee, or caffeine in other forms, is just a matter of habit.

"It's the same way that I feel about smoking," said Jaime F. Perez '97, who said he needs his regular three cups daily. "I know it harms me in some way. It's just that it's part of the routine."

Others, like self-proclaimed "waterholic" Charles W. Collier '99, said that caffeine doesn't hold any attractions for them anyway.

"It's just that I like milk better," said Christopher Lowell '99. "My health is never a factor in deciding what I eat, in any case."

It seems that the study is not going to change anyone's caffeine-drinking habits.
