

Rawlins for President


We support Lamelle Rawlins for president. A dedicated and enthusiastic leader, Rawlins has proven her abilities as both council secretary and its first popularly-elected vice president. As a member of the council's executive board for the last three semesters, she has capably helped lead the council from an insular group of proto-bureaucrats to a student government whose main concern is advocating student interests.

Haynes resigned last year as chair of the Student Affairs Committee because she was unable to keep it united. If she cannot lead a committee, how can she lead a perennially divided council?

Nelson's bureaucratic, conservative approach may be useful in the capacity of a council committee chair, but the position of the student body president demands a progressive leader, like Rawlins.

In the staff's fervor to defame Rawlin's character and record, it has descended to the lowest level of mudslinging. The staff's attack is both childish and petty and reflects an egregious misunderstanding of the facts.

Last year, Rawlins unveiled a Student Bill of Rights, 10 planks supporting student interests. Since then, she has tirelessly worked to achieve those goals. A vote for Rawlins is a mandate for the council to implement reforms this college urgently needs.


--Anne L. Brody '98, Andrew A. Green '98, Olivia M. Leland '98, Jal D. Mehta '99, Douglas M. Pravada '97, Geoffrey C. Upton '99

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