


A summary of views, commentary and sometimes comedy.

The latest round of Undergraduate Council elections was an amusing spectacle, as budding young politicians attempted to swamp the campus with tacky political advertising. The appearance of campaign managers and strategists as well as numerous scandal accusations made the popularity contest especially farcical. Unfortunately, most of the scandal accusations revolved around campaign indiscretions and not personal issues. While the campus media ignored the juiciest gossip, Dartboard respects no standards of decency. Hence, here is the council election scandal quiz (answers in next week's Dartboard).

1. Which presidential candidate has slept with three vice presidential candidates, two members of the Harvard Board of Overseers and a certain loudmouthed Spare Change vendor?

2. Which presidential candidate is currently under investigation by Whitewater Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr over allegations of involvement in shady real estate deals in rural Arkansas? (Oops--this question refers to a candidate in another presidential election.)

3. Which vice presidential candidate once declared: "I'd rather be dead than join the Fox club"?

4. Which running-mates shamelessly accepted illegal campaign contributions from Action Man, Phillip Morris and Indonesian businessmen?


5. Which would-be vice president broke a College record last week with a 39-second keg stand at a Mather party, staggered home in a drunken haze and ended up puking on his senior tutor?

6. Which running mates were negged at the Grille last weekend?

7. Which candidate has brought a well-known band to perform at Springfest? (Note: this question is rated extremely difficult. Don't feel bad if you are unable to answer it.)

8. Which candidates actually won the election? (This is also a tough question.)

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