

AALARM Supports Rawlins, O'Mary


The Association Against Learning in the Absence of Religion and Morality (AALARM) would like to endorse Lamelle D. Rawlins '99 and Michael A. O'Mary '99 for Undergraduate Council president and vice president. It's clear choice.

During the past year, AALARM has been revitalized by an infusion of new members--all of whom share our steadfast commitment to returning Harvard to its moral foundations. AALARM is committed to ensuring that the University responds to the needs of its diverse student body which encompasses men and women of all races, religions and political beliefs. Although AALARM has been silent of late on campus matters, the leadership believes that by throwing our substantial weight behind Lamelle and Mike, now is the right time to come out of the closet" and support the best woman and man for the jobs.

AALARM's choice of Lamelle and Mike might come as a surprise to those members of the Harvard community who respectfully disagree with some of AALARM's positions. However, AALARM shares much common ground with Lamelle and Mike. We, too, support increased funding to student groups because we know that Lamelle and Mike believe AALARM is just as important to the campus conversation as the Black Student Association (BSA). From better shuttle bus service to a campus schedule, AALARM and the Rawlins/O'Mary ticket will march in ideological lock step toward the future.

AALARM, which has always championed the individual's right to self-defense, also feels strongly that Lamelle and Mike's pledge to "fight for more self-defense classes" will enhance the security of all members of the Harvard community, especially the women.

And so AALARM joins our fellow students in the Minority Student Alliance and the BSA in supporting the candidacy of Lamelle and Mike. It's as good as having two AALARM members lead the council! --Chris M. Griffith '97,   Randy A. Karger '98


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