

No Moral Principle Allows Bikers to Ride on the Sidewalk


I read Sarah J. Schaffer's call to action in the November 2 Dartboard ("Gandhi On a Mountain Bike") with great interest. It seemed that she would join such luminaries as Henry David Thoreau and Martin Luther King in opposing some great injustice. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the moral principle she upheld was the right to ride down pedestrians on the sidewalk.

Ms. Schaffer states that she "...would rather have a bicyclist hit a pedestrian than a car hit a bicyclist." I must confess that I have only received one year of Harvard's fine education, but I believe that is what is known as a "false dilemma." Nonetheless, Ms. Schaffer is compelled to make this agonizing choice because the seven minutes required to cross Harvard Yard on foot is " much for most Harvard students to sacrifice." Apparently a few minutes of time in the interests of public safety constitutes an unconscionable infringement of right, but injuries sustained under the wheels of a cyclist equates to the citizen's contribution to a just society.

Finally, in response to Ms. Schaffer's question, "Have you ever tried to bike through Harvard Square on the street?" I answer, "Yes, daily." When the traffic becomes too heavy, I walk, thus sparing myself her "kill-or-be-killed" dilemma. --Wade Markel   GSAS, Dept. of History


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