
Ed School Sponsors Two Panels For Alums

As part of the Graduate School of Education's Alumni Day celebration Saturday, the Harvard Education Forum hosted two panel discussions at the Gutman conference center to address the effect of violence on children.

The first panel, "Confronting the Issues of Violence," included speakers from the Children's Defense Fund and the National Coaltion for Students and focused on the dimensions of the problem of violence.

The four members of the second panel, "Reasons to Hope," were involved in violence prevention organizations and spoke about successful programs, including youth mediation and teacher counselling programs.

Dean of the Education School Jerome T. Murphy was pleased with the results of the program, which some 125 alumni and faculty members attended.

"From our perspective, it was a great success, "Murphy said in an interview yesterday, "partly because you leftwith a sense of the tremendous problems thatexist, but also with a sense of hope despite theseproblems."

Lecturer on Pediatrics and Instructor inEducation Ronald G. Slaby, who was a member of thefirst panel, agreed.


"I think that there was a lot of interest andactivity that was stimulated by the educationforum," Slaby said.

The Alumni Day celebration is the yearlyreunion gathering of the Education School for allgraduates.

The day's events included a breakfast andluncheon, and an award presentation by the AlumniCouncil of the Education School to Thomas W.Payzant, US Assistant Secretary of Elementary andSecondary Education, who received a Ph. D. fromthe Education School in 1968
