
A Patient of Mack's Recounts His Abduction by Aliens

Peter Faust says he has been abducted repeatedly ever since his youth. His first conscious recollection of these experiences came in 1988 when he was 33.

During this encounter Faust says he saw two beings, about four to four and a half feet tall, with large pear-shaped heads and almond-shaped eyes. "What was striking to me was that I reacted to them as if I knew them," says Faust.

Faust recalls saying to the aliens, "Stop this. I hate this." He dismissed this experience as a "freaky" dream, but says he was shocked by his intense emotional response to the beings.

Confused, Faust went to see Dr. John E. Mack to tell him of his experiences. Faust says Mack said, "When somebody tells me about a dream like this that they've had and they have so much emotion attached, it tells me that there's something else happening. It tells me hat it's real event."

Upon Mack's recommendation, Faust says he underwent relaxation techniques and was able to recall more of his experiences. "[Mack] would let me find out my answers or let me validate my own experience through talking to other people in the support group," says Faust.


By talking with other abductees, Faust says he learned to accept his situation. "I couldn't deny it anymore when other people said they had the same experiences independently of me." he says.

According to Faust, during the abduction he is physically lifted, moved through a window up into a ship, which then moves into another ship that flies away. Faust says he recalls being shown movies and pictures by the aliens. In the chapter "Peter's Journey" in Mack's book Abduction, Faust also says the aliens performed physical experiments on him, such as taking sperm samples.

In addressing the critics, Faust says Mack had all the regression tapes evaluated by independent sources who agree that Mack did not lead him. Faust also underwent a battery of psychiatric testing and was not diagnosed as possessing any pathology.

In addressing the contention that abductees have been contaminated by popular culture and sci-fi, Faust says, "That's one of the things that freaked me out. I wasn't into UFOs and I'm still not into UFOs. There was no reason for me to have these experiences and I've gained nothing from them."
