
Rally Planned to Support Grant

Grant Makes Statement of Appreciation Through Uncle

After learning that students in favor of her admission to the College plan to rally today, Gina Grant yesterday issued her first public comment since news of Harvard rescinding her offer of admission broke last week.

Speaking through her uncle, Curtis M. Dickson, the 19-year-old Cambridge Rindge and Latin School senior said: "I appreciate all of the support that the Harvard students have shown me, but I believe that it is in my best interest to remain silent, at this point."

Dickson contracted Grant in Cambridge for The Crimson from his Lexington, S.C. home yesterday.

Yesterday, led by Undergraduate Council President Joshua D. Liston '95, undergraduates hastily planned a rally outside the Admissions Office at Byerly Hall to demand that the faculty reverse its decision, made last Monday, to rescind its early-admission offer to Grant. The rally is scheduled to start at 2:15 p.m. today.

The Faculty Standing Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid voted to annual Grant's admission after learning she had slain her mother in their Lexington, S.C. home in 1990.


"All indications from the University indicate this is a closed matter," Liston said. "I think it takes a more drastic step to overturn that [decision] than merely a letter or a telephone conversation."

Liston estimated that between 20 and 100 students will attend the rally, possibly including students from Rindge and Latin.

News media swarmed through the Yard and the Houses yesterday, interviewing students and administrators. The Grant case was the subject of ABC's "Nightline" last night.

In an additional development, Frankfurter Professor of Law Alan M. Dershowitz--the most visible faculty member yet to comment on the case--alternately accused Grant of not being more forthright on her application for admission and blamed the faculty committee for being premature and hasty in annulling its offer of admission.

"What I think Harvard should have done is say, "We learned new information about you; we'd like you to come in for an interview," Dershowitz said in an interview earlier this week.

University officials did not meet with Grant prior to the decision to rescind her admission offer.

Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid William R.Fitzsimmons '67 and Vice President and GeneralCounsel Margaret H. Marshall informed Grant ofthe University's decision last Wednesday.

"I hope in the end that [Harvard] will be ableto admit her, even though I don't believe ahistory of verbal abuse gives you the right tokill your mother and then cover it up," Dershowitzadded, referring to the years of emotional abusefrom her mother Grant's attorneys say shesuffered.

The controversial attorney argued heatedly withGrant's attorney, Margaret A. Burnham, in afurious give-and-take moderated by "Nightline"anchor Ted Koppel.

Dershowitz criticized Grant's decision to check"no" to a question on the Common Applicationasking whether she had been placed on academicprobation, been removed from school or voluntarilyleft.

Grant had "the legal technical right to sayno." Dershowitz said, but should have been morecandid and told the admissions office of herinvolvement in her mother's death.
