
AALARM Posters Placed in Yard

Anti-Gay Slogan Attributed to Unofficial Organization

"Men love women. Women love men. Get used to it!"

This slogan was splashed across posters around Harvard Yard yesterday.

Although the bottom of the posters said they were approved by AALARM (Alliance of Learning in the Absence of Religion and Morality), the group is not officially recognized as a student organization, according to the Dean of students office.

Last year, AALARM was a recognized student group with a conservative viewpoint, but because of a lack of membership, it ceased to exist. No former members of AALARM could be reached yesterday for comment.

Co-chair of the Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian Student Association Royce C. Lin '96 said yesterday that he thought the posters might have been sparked by last week's BGLAD (Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian Awareness Days) activities.


"I think the fact that these posters went up says very clearly that the people who were putting up the posters regard anything that has to do with...a discussion of the politics surrounding gay or lesbian issues or legal issues is somehow going too far," Lin said.

He added that he thinks the posters do not merit much attention.

"I don't think that they're worth our attention, to be perfectly honest," Lin said. "I think we have more important issues to pursue."

But he did offer a counter-slogan of his own.

"Men love men. Women love women," Lin said. "Get used to that."
