

Community BRIEFS

In a rare joint effort, members of the Society of Arab Students at Harvard (SAS) and Harvard-Radcliffe Hillel rallied on the steps of Widener Library yesterday to support peace in the Middle East.

Seven students from SAS and Hillel read personal statements and poems in Arabic and Hebrew.

"I think that the biggest impact of the event was that for the first time, our two communities joined together," SAS President Muna G. Suktian '97 said.

Dean of Students Archie C. Epps III, who attended the peace vigil, agreed. "It was very moving, especially since it involved both SAS and Hillel," he said. "It is an outgrowth of this extraordinary reaction to the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, and is another example of the push for peace."

"We wanted the banner so that we would have something concrete at the end of the day," said Hillel Chair Ethan M. Tucker '97.


Approximately 40 students and faculty members attended the 1 p.m. rally.
