
PBH Given $1M Gift

Buttenwieser Pledges to Capital Campaign

Harvard Medical School instructor Paul A. Buttenwieser '60 pledged a $1 million challenge grant designated for undergraduate public service work to the $2.1 billion University capital campaign last week.

"I am constantly impressed by the excellence of our public service programs in the Phillips Brooks House and elsewhere, and by the remarkable young people in the College who make a real difference in our communities... I hope my gift will stimulate others to action," Buttenwieser told the Harvard Gazette.

Staff and Operations

The gift will help fund the staff who direct and coordinate the College's public service activities and will help cover the operating costs of the various public service programs, Dean of the College Harry R. Lewis '68 told the Gazette.

The funds are part of a $5 million dollar pledge Buttenwieser, a clinical psychiatrist, made to the campaign. Of the remaining $4 million, $3 million will fund a new University professorship and $1 million will go toward an undergraduate scholarship fund.


"This is a splendid major first statement of support [for public service]," Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Jeremy R. Knowles said in an interview yesterday.

Harvard College has two major umbrella public service organizations--the Phillip Brooks House Association (PBHA) and the House and Neighborhood Development program (HAND)--both of which will benefit from Buttenwieser's gift, according to the Gazette.

"Eventually the interest from these gifts will allow money which is currently being used to pay for staff to be used for program expenses," said PBHA President Vincent Pan '96.

Buttenwieser presently serves on the Phillips Brooks House Association Committee and the search com- mittee for a new Assistant Dean of Public Service.

With Buttenwieser's gift, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences will have raised $426 million, 40 percent of its $965 million capital campaign goal, the Gazette reported
