
Ambitious Campaign Goal Likely to Succeed

Harvard's ambitious $2.1 billion dollar fund drive launched today will almost certainly meet its goals, a leading educational fundraiser said yesterday.

Martin Grenzebach, chair of John Grenzebach and Associates--a company which manages universities' fund drives--said he believed the University will succeed despite the magnitude of its aims.

Grenzebach, who is not working on the Harvard campaign, is known as a premiere private fundraiser for educational institutions in the United States and is considered an authority on the subject, according to the American Association of Fundraising Council. He has run successful capital campaigns at many schools, including Johns Hopkins, the University of Florida, Penn State, and UCLA.

"I think it will be challenging, but I do think Harvard will raise the money," Grenzebach said. "There a lot dedicated alumni...and they already have a good start."

But, he added, the drive is still a risk, and success will require a large commitment and effort from the University.


Grenzebach also said the effect of recent Massachusetts Hall shakeups on the campaign would be minimal.

"I think the provost situation will be a factor," Grenzebach said, "but the president and alumni volunteers are much more important in this case. I don't think there will be any major effects."

Grenzebach said he expected that the bulk of funds raised--from 60 to 80 percent--will come from wealthy individual donors making large contributions.
