
Indigenous People Face Struggles

Menchu Says Fight Is For Basic Rights

The struggle of indigenous people is a fight for human dignity and respect, 1992 Nobel Peace prize Laureate and human rights advocate Rigoberta Menchu told a capacity crowd at the Kennedy School of Government's ARCO Forum last night.

Speaking in Spanish, the Guatemalan-born Menchu said indigenous people have been prevented form enjoying the benefits of technological advancement and modernity. These benefits, she said, are the "patrimony of humanity" to which all people should have access.

Menchu was the United Nations' goodwill ambassador in 1993. In that job, Menchu said she observed how political institutions around the world treat indigenous people with "much paternalism."

"Indigenous people have yet to receive the respect of humanity," Menchu said.

Menchu likened the indignities suffered by indigenous people to those faced by women, who "have yet to attain the understanding of the world's inhabitants."


Menchu said education, activism and diplomatic channels must be used to end prejudice, ethnic conflicts, and poverty among indigenous people.

"Education is not merely pursuing a degree," said Menchu, author of the bestselling 1985 autobiography I, Rigoberta Menchu.

"To have culture, to be educated is to do honor to knowledge," she said.

Menchu said education must benefit society, not just individuals.

"It is easy for people to study for themselves to be corrupt, racist, orindifferent throughout their lives to the problemsof society," Menchu said.

Menchu, director of the Indigenous Initiativefor Peace and president of Center for Life andPeace, said peace must be paramount in the fightfor change.

"I love life, and to advocate life is toadvocate peace," Menchu said
