

Israel Should Disarm Settlers


The Hebron massacre may have been the act of one man, but the responsibility is shared by many, including some of those condemning the brutal, unholy shooting. Dr. Baruch Goldstein was an extreme members of an extremist group in an extraordinary position. But the settlements were created by the State of Israel, and supported by American Jews (through, among other means, US loan guarantees), and deliberately populated by the most zealous Zionist expansionists, who were armed and supported by the Israeli army.

Dr. Baruch Goldstein was no hero, as some settlers and Kach Movement supporters are making him out to be; what he did violates everything my Jewish religion and history teaches. However shock and horror at his action, the natural culmination of the official Israeli settlement policy, may actually lead to real peace.

If the Israeli government truly wants peace for its people and for the Palestinians, it will have to approach peace as boldly as it approached the Occupation and settlements. Disarm and remove the Israeli settlers; arm and empower Palestinian police for the territories. Give the Palestinians resources and room and responsibility and they may have what they need to create the viable homeland they deserve. Then there might be peace. Jonathan F. Dresner   Graduate Student History Department
