
W. Crew Readies for Season

The ice has finally broken.

The glacial masses that have long hovered over the Charles River have dissipated and the women's crew team has returned to dominate the watery plane.

As Radcliffe's crew takes to the water, they bring with them, an optimistic outlook for the coming season. Based on their fall performance, this optimism is not unfounded. Radclife won the Rochester Regatta in October--beating out the likes of Princeton, Syracuse and Wisconsin--and finished in the top four in the Foot of the Charles Regatta.

Last spring the lightweight four stormed through the season with an undefeated record, a first-place Eastern sprints finish and a national championship. Although the heavyweight eight, Radcliffe's first-priority boat, struggled to a seventh-place finish at Eastern sprints, coach Liz O'Leary has confidence in her team.

"This year's varsity has its work cut out for it," she said. "But we have a really strong group of seniors and a good group of seniors and a good group of athletes coming up."


Seniors Tilde Hajek and Noelle Tune captain the teams this year and are looking to classmates Willy Ulbrich, Hallie Gilman, Mindy Sick and Julie Damon, among others, for support, Juniors Sara Simons and Samantha Allen are also to be watched for some strong pulling among the heavies.

Joining the coaching staff this season is Barcelona silver-medalist Carol Feeney.

"Carol had been an outstanding addition to the program. She's still very aware of what its like to train and have race intensity. She has a lot of enthusiasm and a good knowledge of the most current training programs," O'Leary said.

"O'Leary will also be aided by Novice Coach Holy Hatton, who has proven her coaching strength repeatedly in recent years. Hatton directed four-woman crews to nationals for a first place finish in 1992 and a second-place award last year.

This year's cold weather has stalled the team's return to the river. Although crews are allowed on the water in early February, the women were not able to get off of the Weld Boat house dock until March 16.

O'Leary is hopeful that the crews will benefit from several weeks of solid training without fear of the river refreezing.

However, the crews have been lifting, erging and running all winter as part of their rigid indoor training program.

"We've had a really good winter," Hajek said. "People are working really hard and everyone has a good attitude. It helps to have everyone strong."

The women of Weld Boathouse will be seeing a good deal of the Charles as they stay in Cambridge to train over Spring Break. The break, traditionally one on the most intense practice weeks of the season, will culminate in the season's first race against Brown on April 2.

The following weekend the heavies will challenge Princeton and Cornell to 2000-meter sprints, while the lights travel to San Diego to try out the West coast competition. Radcliffe will be back for its first action on the Charles on April 16.
