
Harvard May Lose Patrick

Director of Office of Human Resources Would Go to D.C.

Director of the Office of Human Resources Diane Patrick said yesterday she will leave Harvard for Washington D.C. if her husband, Deval Patrick, is confirmed as assistant attorney general for civil rights.

Patrick's departure would be devastating to an office which, prior to her tenure, has seen six directors in six years.

Patrick, whose husband's appointment was announced by President Clinton last month, said she could not officially announce her departure until he is confirmed. But she added that she is optimistic about her husband's prospects.

"My husband's confirmation hearings have not yet happened but we are optimistic that he will [be successful]," Patrick said.

Although Deval Patrick would be needed in Washington, D.C. as soon as he is confirmed, Patrick said she will remain in the Office of Human Resources as long as possible to ensure a smooth transition for her replacement.


Patrick's office has authority over many matters of concern to Harvard's employees, including labor relations, training and the administration of benefits.

Since her appointment to the Office of Human Resources in June of 1992, Patrick has gained the respect of Harvard administrators and some workers as a competent manager who brought direction to a historically listless office.

Before Patrick became director, the office had been something of a black sheep in Harvard's central administration. In fact, control over the office was shuffled from the auspices of the vice president for finance to that for administration in May 1991.

Vice President for Administration Sally H. Zeckhauser, who hired Patrick, yesterday said the director's departure would be a loss to the office, but a boon for the Patricks.

"What's very good news for the country is bad news for Harvard," Zeckhauser said.

But Zeckhauser emphasized that Patrick will remain in Cambridge until the spring semester ends in order to smooth the transition and to allow overlap withher successor.

"She'll be here to the end of the academicyear," Zeckhauser said.

Zeckhauser said Karen Wilcox, a consultant withthe Boston firm of Isaacson Miller, will behelping her to coordinate the search for Patrick'splacement. Wilcox also helped with the search forPatrick in 1992, Zeckhauser said.

In a phone interview yesterday Wilcox confirmedher involvement with the search, but said she hadnot yet met with Zeckhauser to discuss details forhiring.

A job posting in Friday's Gazette, which wasthe administration's only notice to the Harvardcommunity of Patrick's probable departure, listed"a sense of humor" and "tenacity" as "essential"for the job.

Zeckhauser said the search will targetindividuals both in Harvard and on a nationallevel who combine management and planning skills.
