
Big Stick No Hunt

Home: Boulder, Co. and Currier House Concentration: Folk and Myth

Why the setting of "Wayne's World" is portrayed inaccurately: As someone who attended school in Aurora, I can tell you that there are certainly no palm trees along I-88.

Biggest advantage of folk & myth: Battle axes are always available so that when someone asks you what are you going to do [with your degree] there's always a battle axe handy. I mean, how do history majors get jobs?

Number of roommates: three.

What that really adds up when one of them is president of The Crimson and the other one signs for the Pitches and does tech for many plays: Three. Sometimes. I look at my other roommate and say that we're the true roommates. But it's really more like siblings. I don't see my brother that much, and he's still my brother. And I see Marion more than my brother.

What it's like to live with the president of The Crimson: I don't know, you'll have to ask someone at The Crimson. If I spent more time at the Crimson, I might be able to tell you.


What you can't do in front of the president of The Crimson: Criticize the media. Being folk and myth, I say that it's cool that newspapers tell urban legends. But she says that "They should always tell the truth. If they don't it's bad journalism."

What the president of The Harvard Crimson says about this: The Crimson has enough credibility problems on campus to entertain my roommate by spreading urban legends as truth.

What HRSFA, the Harvard Radcliffe Science Fiction Association, does: Not just science fiction, almost all speculative fiction, actually. We do things that you won't see anywhere else on campus.

For example: No one else celebrated day-light saving time by wearing black and walking with candles, except for a few drunk frosh.

Why the "Wild Hunt" is another example: One person puts on a set of antlers and we hunt them--ritually. We're symbolically dogs, and he's symbolically a deer. This year, we captured him on the steps of Memorial Church facing Widener, killed him--ritually--and tied him to a pole and walked him across Mass Ave. to Adams House. Luckily, it was Halloween so no one that it was really weird. Well, people thought it was weird, but understandable.

Why she carries a staff: It's a symbol of power. All officers of HRSFA need to carry a big stick. HRSFA members are a rowdy bunch, and they need to be kept in line. And we wouldn't want to stage a "Wild Hunt" every week.

The worst pun that your boyfriend has ever made: Oh God. He's made so many bad ones. Don't get me wrong, but if I didn't love him dearly, I'd dump him over the puns.
