
Cuban-Am. Students Form Campus Group

Cuban-Americans are forming a new organization to promote cultural awareness and social interaction.

Founder Cesar R. Conde '95 said 22 students attended an introductory meeting of the Cuban-American Undergraduate Students Association (CAUSA) last night.

"We felt there was a need to form a unified community for the Cuban-Americans on campus," Conde said. "There's a decent-sized number of Cuban-Americans at Harvard, but so far there has not been a [specific] Cuban-American organization here."

Conde, who is also acting president of the group, said CAUSA's primary purpose is to promote social and cultural awareness of Cuban-American issues on campus and to build a sense of identity among Cuban-American students. Students said several issues will likely galvanize CAUSA's membership.

"There has been a quest for an identity among Cuban-Americans," Manuel F. Cachan '96 said. "We are culturally distinct form other Hispanic groups, and we have particular political concerns, such as democracy for Cuba, which unites us."


Leaders said the group hopes to host Cuban-American speakers in the future. The Harvard Foundation invited CAUSA to attend a speech by Andy Garcia, a Cuban-American actor.
