

Meg, Tom Who?


If Meg Ryan and Tom Cruise have made "a lasting and impressive contribution to the world of entertainment," then I must have missed something really spectactular in their brief careers.

To give Ms. Ryan an award because she is sincere and has appeared in two mediocre films which "are college favorites worthy of recognition" is a lame reason for tying up traffic on Mass. Ave. during the "celebrity parade."

To honor Ms. Ryan because she is sincere, young, and pretty is blatantly sexist and an insult to all persons in the theatrical profession, especially women.

Meg Ryan and Tom Cruise are both capable professionals and I have enjoyed all of their films. But I would not say that either have made a lasting and impressive contribution as yet. But give them time and they might.

The Hasty Pudding award has lost prestige with this inappropriate selection. Who can we expect next year? Markey Mark and Shannen Doherty? Two collossal performers perfectly suited for your silly event. Eugene Downer   HGSE (M.Ed. `90)
