
Computer Society Picks New Leaders

John E. Stafford '96 was elected the new president of the Harvard Computer Society (HCS) last night.

The society also voted Daniel A. Lopez '97 to the post of secretary and re-elected Rolland W. Ho '97 as business manager.

The HCS is one of the fastest growing student groups on campus. Membership has roughly doubled in the past two years, according to out-going president Eugene E. Kim '96.

University officials have credited the society with making vital contributions to the development of computer and Internet-related services for students.

Stafford, who is a Crimson editor, said he wants to build on the group's successes.


"My main goal will be to diversify the sources of income for our society," he said. "We are thinking of providing on-line consulting, computer equipment, and establishing more connections with other clubs."

"With the U.C. we could sponsor bigger events such as a conference on computing held here at Harvard," he added.

Stafford currently runs the Computer Society's 'Get Harvard On-line' program, which helps student organizations use technological resources.

"I am very pleased with the new board," said Kim. "It is high time that Stafford became president. Rolland is possibly the best business manager we have ever had and Daniel has done much work for the club."

Ho said he plans to work closely with Stafford.

"I want to establish more projects to raise money to sponsor social events within the club, to expand and provide gopher sites, and [World Wide Web] sites," Ho said.

"We're still looking to grow," he added.

Lopez said he wants to improve the image of the club. "The biggest problems are with publicity," Lopez said.

"My biggest project will be to increase our profile, to try to get HCS more recognized in the community and to make our members more active," he said.
