
What's In a Name

Brown Knows

You know, Eric Brown is such a boring name.

Yeah, I've sorta grown to like it during the 19 years that I've had it, but I've still always wondered what it would be like to have a real neato sounding name. You know, a name that makes people say, "Wow, what a cool name that guy has!"

Like Steve Kezirian.

I don't want to single out the junior that will quarterback the Harvard football team this Saturday against Yale, but face it, dude. You got a kick-butt name.

Kezirian. Funky and fresh enough to turn eyebrows, but not overly difficult to pronounce.


It's got that sense of wild, rugged accomplishment that, well, that "Eric Brown" kinda lacks.

Not to mention all the great possibilities for completely awful puns.

The Kaz. The band should come to The Game with a bunch of Kazoos. If he does a quarterback sneak, we in the stands should yell, "Go Kangzerooo!!"

This guy doesn't throw bullets or darts to his receivers. He throws Kazers.

Steve is the Kazmanian Devil. Or how about Conan the Kezirian?

It all started when he led the comeback against Colgate, ah, excuse me, that's Kolgate.

Starting quarterback Vin Ferrara was injured with Harvard behind, and then it was time for the Kaz-ttack.

Two plays and one quarter. Three drives. 22 points. 45 yards passing and 70 yards rushing.

And he's got a name like Kezirian. How could you not like that?

So for the rest of the season, Kazman played backup to Ferrara (who was rightfully the Crimson starter), and it seemed like there would be no more runs up to the Kazskill Mountains.
