
HSA Distributes New Coupon Booklet

Competition among Cambridge businesses has spawned yet another coupon book, but this one's aimed specifically at Harvard students.

The new Harvard Student Agencies (HSA) coupon book provides 50 coupons good for discounts at businesses in Harvard Square and is being distributed by HSA.

But HSA employees will not be accosting students infront of Baybank or at Au Bon Pain. The student-run business willtake advantage of its status as a sanctioned Harvard organization and is passing the coupon books in dining halls on campus.

"We have already tabled at about half of the dining halls and should hit all of them by the end of the week," said Tara E. Walpert '95, distribution manager at HSA and creator of the coupon book.

Walpert said the book includes coupons from local businesses traditionally popular with Harvard students.


"Most of the other coupon books out there don't cater to Harvard students in particular," Walpert said. "The HSA book has popular vendors involved and I think people here will like that."

According to Walpert, the coupon book benefits not only students but vendors as well. She sees the coupon book as affordable advertising space for smaller businesses that otherwise could not afford such an extensive advertising campaign.

Fred Dinkin, owner of Carl's Cutting Co., had never used coupon ads before, but chose the HSA coupon book to advertise his salon.

"I put the ad together on my computer and think that if students open the coupon book up, I could see more business, "Dinkin said.

But Dinkin said he hopes few of the books will be wasted because of their distribution directly to students. He said he thinks most of the literature handed out in the Square is just thrown away.

"It's not only about money," Dinkin said. "There are ecological 'concern too, and so much is wasted when you just hand things to people out on the street."

HSA coupon books will be distributed every semester, Walpert said.
