
U.C. Committee Elects Label

Last Semester's Vice Chair Returns to Head Student Affairs

The Undergraduate Council's student affairs committee packed into the basement of Holworthy last night and elected Justin C. Label '97 as its chair.

In his pre-election speech to the committee's 24 assembled members, Label emphasized his experience with many items on the committee's agends.

As vice chair of the committee last semester, Label worked with the administration to revise and implement academic policies.

Label noted his involvement in organizing projects such as the Levenson Prize for Undergraduate Teaching and the first-year concentration fair.

Label said his goals for this semester include reviving the calendar reform movement and improving first-year advising.


The former vice chair won a run-off election against William Rehling '86-'95 to claim the post.

The council's constitution mandates a run-off election when one candidate fails to win a majority of votes on the first ballot.

Label's initial opponents included Mona Abraham '97 and Joe S. Evangelista '96.

Second-term council member Bradford E. Miller '97 defeated Rehling and former presidential candidate Jason E. Schmitt '98 in the race for vice-chair of the committee.

Responsibilities of the new leaders will include setting the committee's agenda, delegating assignments to other members of the committee and dealing with administrators when they act as members of the College's Committees for Undergraduate Education, House Life and College Life.

After the elections, the committee brainstormed ideas for the year. Many of the topics discussed last night were drawn from the platforms of the chair candidates.

They included improving shuttle service and teaching fellow training, advocating for a 24-hour library and upgrading Harvard's computing facilities.
