
Initiatives Pepper Student Dining

The gradual transformation from the much-maligned fish pizziola era to a more palatable and healthful dining experience continues this year, according to Harvard Dining Services Director Michael P. Berry.

Berry, who has been out and about visiting his captive culinary audience this week, says that student self-service and nutritional information displays are the initiatives of the day.

Adams, Leverett, Lowell and Quincy Hall dining halls are testing self-service, he says, and his hope is that students will find the new process more efficient and less wasteful.

Nutritional counts including data about fat and calories for each dish will be available at the checker's tables for the health-conscious and those trapped in Union lines, and menu cards will display this information on the food lines as well.

A yet-to-be hired nutritional consultant will "help us make healthy choices for the menu," the dining services director says. "We are looking for leaner alternatives."


Berry talked to students about the new dining hall innovations during lunch at Lowell House yesterday.

"The comments were extremely positive," with the Lowell managers, self-service and the recent Shoreline dinner garnering the most praise, he says.

Dining halls will also provide environmentally safe mugs and more recycled products as part of renewed environmental efforts, Berry says. Last year, 40 percent of the dining hall waste stream was converted to recycled material, he said.

More kosher and vegetarian tables are now offered at the upperclass dining halls, with Leverett now offering kosher food and Adams, Dunster, Leverett, Cabot and Currier with vegetarian offerings.
