
Fund Drive May Benefit Students, Exhaust Rudenstine

President Must Manage Time

Money is something President Neil L. Rudenstine wants urgently.

This spring he will formally announce a five-year, $2billion, university-wide capital campaign that will dwarf any fund drive in higher education history. Meanwhile, time is something he's finding in shorter and shorter supply.

The more money he raises, the less time he has.

And the breakneck pace at which Rudenstine must operate to compensate has some people quite concerned.

"He operates at full tilt all the time," says Jack P. Reardon Jr. '60, executive director of the Harvard Alumni Association, who travels with Rudenstine on campaignrelated business. "You worry about that physically."


Rudenstine himself brushes aside speculation that he may be in danger of burning out. "I don't worry about exhaustion," asserts the president, clutching a mug of coffee.

Still, he concedes, "Scheduling is going to be tighter all around." And, besides physical exhaustion, there are times when even the president wonders whether it's possible to be "quite on the mark, on every issue, if you're racing all the time."

"If you see me seeming not to pay attention to anything, let me know," he encourages a visitor. "No, I'm serious. I'll need some advice as I go along."

Rudenstine estimates that, over the course of the campaign, he will spend between 25 and 30 percent of his time fundraising--slightly more near thecampaign's start and at its conclusion, slightlyless in the middle.

Inevitably, experts say, that means thepresident will face some tough choices.

"If you, as the president, have the option oftea with the senior class--an age-oldtradition--or being present at a ceremony for a $5million donation, what do you do?" asks Universityfundraising consultant Martin Grenzebach, chair ofChicago-based John Grenzebach & Assoc., addingthat the answer isn't obvious.

Perhaps more so than the ultimate financialsuccess or failure of the campaign, it is thosetypes of choices that could define Rudenstine'slegacy at Harvard.

"Even if you go out and raise $2 billion forthe institution and are lionized for that, I don'tthink anyone can say that having done that, andthat only, is a successful presidency," Grenzebachsays. "There are too many other issues andaudiences that need to be addressed."

Along those lines, Grenzebach and otherssuggest that one danger of fund drives is the verydefined nature of their goals.

"Fundraising becomes appealing because unlikeother aspects of managing the institution, it'smore clear cut," says Grenzebach. "Thereultimately is a bottom line in fundraising: themoney either comes in or it doesn't."

But Rudenstine says he doesn't fear beingmesmerized by the ever-present fund driveyardstick.

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