
What Is To Be Done?


The Status Quo


The status quo costs no more money. Even without change, Harvard's commitment to athletics in general is almost without parallel. The University has more athletes and varsity sports than any other Division I school in the nation.



The status quo is a public relations nightmare. The department has taken a beating from athletes, coaches and The Crimson's editorial page. Minor changes may help the public perception, but the promotion of women's golf to varsity status--the department's strongest Title IX-related initiative of the year--can't be sold as an increased commitment to Harvard's women athletes.

Besides, Cleary, and his top two lieutenants, Senior Associate Directors of Athletics Fran Toland and Patricia Henry, may not be able to stand another year of discussing Title IX. They have basically stopped talking about it anyway, and all three did not return phone calls seeking comment for this article.


The Stanford Plan


Faced with similar opposition from players and coaches, Stanford University this spring announced an ambitious plan to increase participation by female athletes by pumping a million extra dollars a year into women's sports teams. The Stanford plan provides new facilities and support staff for women's programs, and lifts three teams to the varsity level.

Harvard could do the same thing. Big winners would likely be the women's ice hockey and softball teams, which are significantly undersupported in comparison to their male counterparts. But all women's sports would likely see more money, and male athletes might also benefit if new facilities were constructed.

Such a plan could be tied to a change in Harvard's recruiting and admissions procedures. Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid William Fitzsimmons '67 is generally reluctant to change his ways, but he also knows how to. After only 95 Black students matriculated in the class of 1996 the previous spring. Fitzsimmons launched an intensive and ultimately successful recruiting campaign which will bring nearly twice as many Blacks to the class of 1997.

The biggest plus: Such a plan puts the issue of Title IX to rest.

