
Men's Tennis On a Roll While the Women Struggle to Find Win

Women Lose to Yale, William and Mary on the Road; Men Defeat Brown 7-0, Prepare for Tuesday Bout With Undefeated Green

Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead scored their only top-ten hit with the phrase, "every silver lining's got a touch of grey."

For Harvard tennis, the silver lining is the men's outstanding season. The undefeated men rolled over Brown at the Beren Tennis Center Saturday, 7-0, setting up a Tuesday match with undefeated Dartmouth.

The women are the touch of grey. In fact, this weekend's two road losses--an 8-1 loss to William and Mary on Saturday and a 7-2 loss to Yale on Friday--have turned the Crimson women blue.

Top-Ranked Opponents

The loss in Princeton, N.J. to William and Mary was actually closer than it appears on paper. William and Mary is one of the top-ranked teams in the East, and "every match was tight," according to Co-Captain Eliza Parker.


The women garnered their only point in the match on a singles triumph by sophomore Agata Passent, but Harvard had a few chances to make the score more respectable.

The best chance to win a point came with the top doubles team of freshman Kate Roiter and Co-Captain Melissa McNabb on the court. Roiter and McNabb won their first set 9-6, lost the second 6-0 and were up 5-3 in the third before finally losing, 8-6.

"We played really well, but our serves weren't going too well," said Roiter.

The doubles teams of freshman Kelly Granat and sophomore Kendra Harris as well as Parker and Passant both lost their matches.

Roiter and McNabb withdrew after the doubles competition due to illness, and that meant Parker--normally the team's third player but bumped up to first by the withdrawals--had to face Katrin Guenther, ranked 24th in the nation.

But Parker hung in and lost to Guenther just 7-6 in the first set and in a 6-4 tie-breaker in the second.

"I was really relaxed because I knew she was really good. I worked off her errors," Parker said.

Overall the match was a decent showing against a tough team.

"A lot of matches could have gone either way," Roiter said. "I think we'll do well against them next year."

Blues Power
